Any parent will recognise the difficulties of not getting enough sleep and life with a newborn is one of those times when sleep deprivation is usually at its worst. Getting enough sleep is essential for both physical and mental wellbeing but how can you make sure that your baby is safe when they’re asleep? 

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (or SIDS) is something that worries many parents, but there are many ways that you can reduce the risk to your baby. Following safe sleep guidance is one of the best ways to do this.

For more information on safe sleeping please refer to your baby’s red book. 

Some basic principles to follow help to reduce any risks: 

  • Always place baby on his/her back at the bottom of the cot.
  • Tuck covers under mattress – only tuck their cover in at shoulder height.
  • Always place baby in own cot in the same room as you for the first 6 months
  • Do not allow anyone to smoke around your baby or handle your baby for 1 hour after smoking
  • Ensure room temperature is between 16-20 degrees C. 
  • Avoid sharing your bed with your baby, especially if either you or your partner smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs or are very tired. 
  • Sofas can be dangerous. Avoid falling asleep with your baby on either a sofa or armchair. 
  • Keep baby’s head uncovered in the house. 
  • This advice applies wherever you lay your baby down both inside and outside the house and including prams.
  • Avoid keeping baby in the car seat for prolonged periods of time and follow manufactures guidance. 

Choosing a cot can be one of the most exciting parts of preparing for a baby’s arrival, as well as selecting beautiful clothes. But what should you know about safety?

  • You may wish to use a side-car style cot which allows you to care for your baby at night without having to get up.
  • Make sure you buy a cot that is safety tested and CE marked. It’s fine to buy a second-hand cot if you want to, but make sure you buy a new mattress, as laying your baby to sleep on a used mattress can be a safety hazard. 
  • Mattresses should be firm and a good fit without any gaps at the edges. There should never be anything else in the cot with your baby. Cot bumpers and soft toys can be a suffocation hazard, so only use these for decorative purposes. 

The best sleeping position for a baby - The Lullaby Trust 

Many parents have found that bedside cots, often known as co-sleepers or sidecar cots, are a great solution for keeping babies safe and close to them without bedsharing. These are usually attached to the bed and are especially useful if you are breastfeeding.

However, other parents prefer to share their bed with their baby. This can allow for getting more sleep as a breastfeeding parent. It is important to follow safe sleep advice if you plan to bedshare. Preparing in this way can help tired parents to avoid the danger of falling asleep with your baby on a sofa or armchair. 
How to co-sleep more safely - Lullaby Trust

Public Health England have teamed up with UNICEF, Basis and The Lullaby Trust to provide updated and agreed information.
Safer sleep for babies a guide for parents web (pdf) -