Stopping smoking is one of the most important things you can do for your baby. Exposure to carbon monoxide from smoking can interfere with babies’ growth, development, and long-term health.

At your first midwife appointment if you are a smoker,  you will be referred to the specialist service for smoking cessation.  Where you will be supported by the team of specialist midwives and maternity tobacco dependancy advisors. Who will support you throughout your pregnancy till your baby reaches 12 weeks of age

The team are there to offer professional support and advice to help you quit. The support they offer includes nicotine replacement therapy and vapes. As a team we support and provide a service tailored to the individual’s needs.  As we know in pregnancy people are individuals and have different emotional needs. Incentives to quit are provided in the form of LOVE2SHOP vouchers for those successful in quitting. Quitting will improve yours and your families long term health.


You can self-refer prior to seeing a midwife at

This animation courtesy of Tommy's explains the effects of smoking on your baby.